Unsung Leith: Breaking Barriers

In collaboration with Citizen Curator in 2019, I ran a series of childcare-supported workshops for local mums at Dr Bells Family Centre in Leith.

Unsung Leith, was a project devised and delivered by Citizen Curator to generate women’s heritage walks in Leith commemorating notable women who have helped to shape the community, past and present.

Breaking Barriers, aimed to engage local mothers in Citizen Curator’s research by providing high quality, childcare-supported creative workshops. Taking place over the February and Easter school holidays at Dr Bell’s Family Centre, we worked with a total of 24 mums to create mixed media artworks commemorating notable women who have links to the community of Leith. These included the Fishwives of Newhaven, Mary Queen of Scots, Sophia Louisa Jex-Blake and Mary Moriarty amongst others.

We produced an Unsung Leith Zine featuring some of the participant’s work.

You can download the zine here>>


Just A Mum?